Munsters Slot Machine

If one Munsters slots symbol ends up on your payline, the payout is multiplied five times. If you get two symbols on the payline, your slot payout is multiplied by twenty five times. Five Herman symbols on a. You win in The Munsters by landing winning paylines on either from left to right or right to left and to help, the special 'Wild Grandpa' symbols may land, which I believe are only available on reels 2, 3 and 4. IGT Slot Machine Versions. IGT has come a long way from its first slots cabinets to the latest models, which are a lot more sleeker, faster and brighter. When you are at an IGT machine, you can expect to.

  1. Munsters Slot Machine
  2. Munsters Slot Machine Download


The IGT S2000s are the classic reel slots that you see in the casinos today. These are our most popular machines for home use. We highly recommend keeping the machines coinless, although coin handling can be added to the machine.
This machine may vary in cabinet color, style, size- please let us know if you need something specific. Photo is a stock photo. Machine may vary in cabinet style or color.


The Munsters


The Munsters slot machine is a themed game based on the popular television show “The Munsters”. The machine plays The Munsters theme music. The 5X Munsters symbol matches any other symbols and is also a 5x multiplier. Two symbols will pay 25 times the winning combination. To win the top jackpot all three of The 5X Munsters symbols must be on the pay line. This game’s maximum jackpot is 20,000 credits when playing 3 credits.

Product Description

Bill Validator accepts $1’s through $100’s
Standard casino size cabinet 48″ tall, 250 pounds
Chrome trim – Slot Machine exterior color varies


Cabinet Color: Additional pictures are available by email upon request to insure there are no misunderstandings concerning the color of the exact machine you are buying. Most machine cabinets are black but this is not the rule.

Munsters Slot Machine

Machine Dimensions: This machine is 44 inches high and the top candle will add an additional 4 to 6 inches. The width is 22 inches and 20 inches deep. The weight is approximately 250 pounds.

Power Requirements: This machine will run on normal 110 V household current. The power cord will run out of the back of the machine. No special adaptor or wiring needed. It is a good idea to plug the power cord into a power surge protector since there is a computer board inside this machine.

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Munsters Slot Machine Download

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